Servers are the core of all modern computing systems, whether they live on-site, off-site, or in the Cloud. There are many types of servers:
    File & Print Document Management Collaboration
    Email VOIP (telephony) Database

    We deploy and support servers of all types, including:
    Microsoft Exchange / Office 365 (email) Microsoft SQL / NoSQL / MySQL (databases)
    Linux Post Office (email) Microsoft SharePoint (collaboration)
    Microsoft System Center (administration) Microsoft Hyper-V / VM-ware (virtualization)
    Amazon Web Services/ AWS (cloud) Windows Azure (cloud)
    Microsoft CRM (Customer Relationship Mgmt) Skype For Business (communications)


We love Microsoft Exchange – it really is the best email server today. We can deploy it onsite with conventional hardware or in the Cloud with Office 365 / Hosted Exchange. To protect sensitive information, we can encrypt all email in the server and during transmission.

If you prefer Linux, we can install one of the many open-source Linux solutions.


The database server is the heart of many business solutions and, therefore, the most critical object on your network to protect and support.

We can install and configure your database server and manage the backup and restore process. We can protect it from unauthorized access and make sure your encryption functions correctly, which is especially important if you accept credit cards.


Collaboration servers enable your people to communicate efficiently and maintain permanent communication records – especially important in regulated industries such as law, accounting, and medicine.

We work with many collaboration systems and we can help you design a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution.


Most of the time, server hardware does very little work. Virtualization allows you to install multiple software servers on one dependable server machine, sharing resources as needed.

This reduces your hardware investment, electrical use, heat production, and licensing costs. We work primarily with Microsoft Hyper-V and VMware.


Azure is Microsoft’s cloud-based hosting system that allows you to run software on Microsoft’s cloud-based servers in data centers around the globe.

Azure is optimized for many uses, including:
• Data storage
• Database operations
• Content delivery – streaming, presentation, and websites
• Exchange or other email
• Active Directory security

We can develop the best and most cost-effective game plan to leverage and use Azure, and we can handle deployment and configuration.


Amazon AWS is a worldwide backbone of data centers running virtual servers, applications, and websites. AWS has a unique ability to scale rapidly as demand changes.

AWS provides powerful consoles that allow managers to control all AWS resources remotely and easily.

We can help you develop the best and most cost-effective game plan to leverage and use AWS, and we can handle deployment and configuration.


We love Microsoft Exchange – it really is the best email server today. We can deploy it onsite with conventional hardware or in the Cloud with Office 365 / Hosted Exchange. And, to protect sensitive information, we can encrypt all email while in the server and during transmission.

If you prefer Linux, we can install one of the many open-source Linux solutions.


The database server is the heart of many business solutions and, therefore, the most critical object on your network to protect and support.

We can install and configure your database server and also manage the backup and restore process. Most important, we can protect it from unauthorized access and make sure your encryption functions correctly, which is especially important if you accept credit cards.


Collaboration servers enable your people to communicate efficiently and maintain permanent communication records – especially important in regulated industries such as law, accounting, and medicine.

Microsoft SharePoint and One Drive are perhaps the best-known collaboration systems today, but there are others. We work with many and we can help you design the most cost-effective and easy-to-use solution.


The real I.T. secret is that, most of the time, server hardware sits around doing very little work. Virtualization allows you to install multiple software servers on one dependable server machine, sharing resources as needed.

This reduces your hardware investment, electrical use, heat production, and licensing costs. It is totally reliable and a no-brainer in many cases. We work primarily with Microsoft Hyper-V and VMware.


Azure is Microsoft’s cloud-based hosting system that allows you to run software on Microsoft’s cloud-based servers in data centers around the globe. Azure is optimized for many uses, including:

  • Data storage
  • Database operations
  • Content delivery – streaming, presentation, and websites
  • Exchange or other email
  • Active Directory security
We can develop the best and most cost-effective game plan to leverage and use Azure, and we can handle deployment and configuration.


Amazon AWS is a worldwide backbone of data centers that run virtual servers, applications, and websites. AWS has a unique ability to scale rapidly as demand for your infrastructure changes.

A rock solid, mature, battle-tested system, AWS provides powerful consoles that allow managers to control all AWS resources remotely and easily.

We can help you develop the best and most cost-effective game plan to leverage and use AWS, and we can handle deployment and configuration.